Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Thinking of old times' plants species

 I was wondering tgat in a way it is good to know the basic tree species of one's own homecountry. So it makes sense to hear of such in schoom. But did we hear about the okd tines' tree species, for example "saarni", have I ever seen a saarni tree? The word "saarni" brings into mibd "aarre"=treasure and "aarniometsä" which is some old type of forest or is it jungle, is saarni a Finnish tree at all? Was it referring to trwasure like and not good to travel in ir just old and missy woods with plants hanging frlm old tfees' branches, or to be more exact it pught to have been "naava" if it was in Finland. But as the modern tines came, did some think tgat the name of the tree does n8t matter, since it was not good to travel in, and so they thought they cpukd do without such tree species. But it does matter of which species a tree or other living beibg is, since those create differebt kibd of life, like a reddish pine can ve good for work like ways of doibg for example. So if one thinks of building a treasure like place in Finland, wgat plant species coukd affect to such a direction? I come to think of the folliwing: 

puolukka, alppiruusu, vaalea palleroinen jäkälä, vihreä samettimainen sammal jota kasvaa kallioilla ja kalliota, vanhoilka katoilla tms, punarunkoinen mänty, kenties valkorunkoinen koivu ja tuuhea kuusi, tatteja, pihlaja, aika tavallisia heiniä joissa siemeniä pitkän varren päässä

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