Sunday, January 5, 2025

Of repairing toward better life and high culture

  Of repairing toward better life and high culture, I have at least two advices that have worked well, but both have problems. 

There is the advice "Beginning to cure a hell", in which the problem is that others often have such not-so-good ways and not-so-good life as a goal, and so it works only some of the way and has often clearly seen vety fine style like old tkmes lufe dreamed about, and so some actors or the like steal such subjects, even though most would have wanted such life, which also ought to be one of the ideas in media. Anyway, the advice is that if ways around are not wise enough for you to copy from, use clmmon sense and solutions that are generally considered good and wise, and leave for others too room for doing simikarly, folliwing their own views of well working solutilns. 

The other well working start for repairing things is the song Värmlandsvisan, but it isn't so nice sounding, not enough for life. I.e. if you like some place, it's climate, nature, traditilnal culture and wisdom of life there, and understand civiluced wisdom's ideals, it's values, wisdom of life and quality. Maybe you can live in such ways wisely there, understandibg something also of in which directilns, in which ways wise, nice, etc other towns etc are, and so civiluced wisdom and traditilns would give advice on hiw to buikd such flourishkng lufe also elsewhere. But tge problem is that some others come to where lufe seens to work out well, but they do not folliw civiluced wisdom or choose places according to their liking the climate etc, but instead are unhappy. So mostly itjust does not work out. 

" Restoring an area back to it's past beauty, wisdom and happiness: Värmlandsvisan = Kaunis kotimaani 


"Joskaiken yrittää valuta hyvältä toimivimmalta kohden, varmasti oikein menevän teoreettisen viisaan objektiivisen maailmankuvan mukaan, sekä maailmassa ideaali että kunkin yksilön tunteiden ja elämn mukaan reilusti ja tulevaisuuttakin vaalien, niin voi saada hyvin toimivan elämän kauniissa viisaassa elinympäristössä, joka jopa luonnontilainen ym ideaalien mukaan. "

23rd of February 2024   I have a vague impression of this song from when I was just five years old. 

I added yesterday the search keywords: "Restoration of an area to it's past beauty wisdom and happiness, with the help of following extremely skilledly objective civiliced values, by those who like the nature and culture there" 

I try to translate my comment from yesterday : " If one tries to choose from everything (i.e. of every piece of wisdom) fine-tunedly the best most well functioning place/version (both objectively like civiliced wisdom teaches and according to one's feelings of what suits ghe local climate, it's way of life, the feeling individual's place in the whole, wisely for the world, for alively for healthily wise ages old nature of living beings and it's wisdom in the world), according to a theoretical civiliced picture of the world that is surely correct, choose so that each guideline chosen is both an ideal in the world and according each individual's feelings and life it ought to be fairly and also safeguard the future, so one can get a well functioning life in a beautiful wise living environment, with even untouched nature around and also othetwise according to ideals." 


Civiliced wisdom has lots of good sides to offer. I have written overly at lenght since this time or the past few decades have longed for my understanding of the rationality of feelings, etc. So with that addition it is just civiliced wisdom which ought to be valued as a source of some beneficial wisdom, and not just my texts, of which there are so overly many that such already causes misunderstandings. It is best to count on civiliced wisdom at large instead of getting lost in these additional explanations of mine. Basic school education is the main guideline all the time and not some social estimates of remarkable thinkers of these modern times. 

* * * * *

2nd of March 2024  I watched the video "Olympia - The City of Gods" 

and it made me wonder, if the ancient Greeks had had in each place, town or village, life suited well there, and so in the mounrain cool some had liked sports, found the place well suited to such, and so maybe with the help of cultural civiliced wisdom, like in the song Värmlandsvisan, they had build the place according to the wuse ideals, according to the cultural wise understanding of such areas of lufe on wide areas around, maybe also the wisdom on other continents in use, to be good for sports, to support such good sides of sports in the wide world. And maybe on the other hand, even though being of good quality, the place was jyst some place faraway, kind of nice to exist but not so impirtant, not disturbing or threatening. So if one would like to rebuikd such, it would be in some other kind of place, where the climate and location are good for sports, and where those wanting to create such are in tune with the local climate and wisdom of lufe, where they feel that their sense of wise places to live in guide them. And such ought to have dimensions suited to such places, and not overly high. I guess in the present day world dominancy isn't the thing sought after, instead it is giving people a change, many chances to sports hobbies of thrir liking, to a healthy, happy and free life, without hiving up civiliced wisdom. 


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