In Helsinki the point of view used to be very academical and kind of not so knowledgeable of thibgs ourside the natural sciences and school, but maybe that was just my livibg environment as young. For the last few years I have been sleepy and gone nowhere, maybe because some environment does not recognize how many advices in wisdom of life I have written, so that such a style ought to be ok too.
Anyway, if one goes for a walk in the center of Helsinki, there are quite many old houses with stony magnifient looks, and trees etc. To get such as parts of one's view, obe ought to think that there are many fibe ways to try to buikd a good society to live in and a good world to live kn. And with build things such is often being charmed by the materials etc and trying something toward good quality and fine ideals in tge society and in the world, but without being fully convinced about the exact place or interpretation of each thing in the whole. So each one makes sone attempts toward better life in a better world, and lufe in practice is in a varied miljo consisting of many of such: some houses, weather, trees, other passer-bys, places to go to, different ways of living, hobbies, views to lufe and to the world, different ways of walking, etc.
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